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The following mandatory consents and disclaimers are required under Dutch gaming law. By accepting all consents, you, the Player, agree that you:
are familiar with the information referred to in Section 4.34, Section 8 and Section 9 of the Decree on Recruitment, Advertising and Betting and Gambling Addiction Prevention (see below);
have full legal capacity;
will only bet and gamble on their own account;
will not use their registration to launder money, finance terrorism, violate sanctions, or commit fraud involving the licensed betting and gambling activities, or misuse the licensed betting and gambling activities; and
will treat the identity verification instruments used in the registration procedure with due care, take all reasonable measures to prevent third parties from using them and to this end, where necessary, follow the guidelines as imposed by the licensee.
Article 4.34
The license holder offers access to information on the part of the games of chance interface and on the player interface that is accessible to everyone, in any case:
a. his license, his geographical address, his contact details and the contact details of the customer service;
b. its policy for the prevention of gambling-related crime;
c. the general terms and conditions used by him;
d. the games of chance organised by him, including the rules of the game, the winning chances, the method of determining the odds and, insofar as possible, the payout percentage;
e. the total costs of participation in the game of chance, including all associated fees, costs and expenses, taxes paid through the licensee, or, insofar as those costs cannot be specified exactly, the basis for the calculation of those costs;
f. any specific costs for using the remote game of chance technique, and
g. the complaints procedure.
The license holder shall provide the data referred to in the first paragraph in a manner that is appropriate, comprehensible and accessible to the player. The data is as complete as possible.
The license holder informs the player in good time about changes to the data referred to in the first paragraph.
The license holder offers access to the website of the games of chance authority on the part of the games of chance interface and on the player interface that is accessible to everyone.
Article 8
The holder of a license for organising a casino, for having one or more slot machines in a slot machine arcade, or for organising remote games of chance must provide customers with information in an appropriate, clear and understandable on the following topics at any rate:
a. the categories of individuals who must not be offered any games of chance;
b. the specific characteristics of the games of chance organised by it;
c. the risks of gambling addiction associated with taking part in the games of chance that it organises;
d. responsible gaming behaviour;
e. its addiction prevention policy;
f. the registration and analysis of the gaming behaviour and its policy with regard to the processing of personal data and protection of the players’ privacy
g. the addiction care available in the Netherlands and anonymous help;
h. the possibilities players have to exclude themselves from participation in the games of chance organised by that licence holder;
i. the possibilities players have or arranging for the registration in the Central Register so that they can be excluded from participation in games of chance organised in slot machine arcades, in casinos and in remote games of chance;
j. giving notification as referred to in Article 27ja, paragraph 4, Article 30v, paragraph 4 and Article 31m, paragraph 4 of the Act;
The license holder must also provide access in a clear and understandable manner to:
a. the websites of one more institutions for addiction care that operate online, of one or more institutions for anonymous help with addiction to games of chance, of one or more institutions for addiction care with a physical presence in the Netherlands, and one or more institutions for anonymous help with addiction to games of chance with a physical presence in the Netherlands;
b. a facility that gives the player insight into their gaming behaviour in a straightforward manner;
c. a facility whereby the player can exclude themselves from participation in the games of chance organised by that licence holder;
d. a facility whereby the player can arrange for their registration in the Central Register so that they can be excluded from participation in games of chance organised by slot machine arcades, in casinos and in remote games of chance;
e. the website of the Gambling Authority,
Article 9
The holder of a licence for organising remote games of chance must provide access to the information referred to in Article 8, paragraph 1 on the section of the game-of-chance interface accessible to everyone and on the player interface referred to in Article 1.1 on the Remote Games of Chance Decree. It must also display the date and time of the player’s previous login as referred to in Article 1.1 of the Remote Games of Chance Decree on the initial screen of the player interface.
The holder of a licence for organising remote games of chance must provide the access referred to in Article 8, paragraph 2 on every page or ever screen of the player interface. In this regard, it must also provide access to a facility whereby the player can change their profile as referred to in Article 1.1 of the Remote Games of Chance Decree.
Without prejudice to Article 8, the holder of a licence for organising remote games of chance must continuously show the player in the player interface:
a. the current time in the Netherlands;
b. the time that has passed since the player’s last login; and
c. the balance in the player’s account